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Glide Thread of the Month Aug - Mini Spools
Glide 40wt Poly Thread. Colorfast and virtually lint free. Great way to build your thread stash! Sign up each month or pick and choose which months you want to sign up. Here's how it works:
During the 1st week of each month we will post the color selection for the following month on our website (www.FabricsUnlimited.net). You can participate every month or pick & choose.  All orders must be submitted to Fabrics Unlimited online, in person, or by phone no later than the 20th of the month for the following month’s colors. Payment is required at the time the order is placed.  Effective the 1st day of each month,  the  selections offered the previous month will no longer be available.  EXAMPLE: Order for February 2021 no later than January 20, 2021.  On February 1,  the selection for March will become available to order, and you will no longer be able to order the February Selection. (However, you can call us to see if we have any sets still available in the store).
Choose between Glide 6 King Spools (5500 yds ea) or Glide 10 Mini Spools (1100 yds ea). The King Set comes in plastic clamshell packaging and the Mini Set comes in a storage case with lid. The cones are great for your long arm machine, and the mini spools work quite well on embroidery machines. The colors are not the same for King Spool Set and Mini Spool Set.